Monday, January 14, 2008

Winding down

Current Princeton Temp: 34 and snowing =)

This is me, just coming up for air between finals. I am 80% done with my first round in grad school. That's a good feeling...the one and only left is Old Testament, which I've started (barely) prepping for. It's on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, and by 5:30 at the latest (5:35 if you take into account packing up my "Relax" lotion, Kleenex, and pens, putting on my scarf, coat and gloves, and walking out of the building) I will be free from all the testing, with one semester of grad school firmly under my belt. I'm excited for that moment. I've been looking forward to it for several weeks now, particularly when I realized how drastic of a change I had made in my life over the past few months and how I was longing to just feel...settled. That isn't quite the right feeling, but it's close. I'm looking forward to know I can make it, that I can survive a semester because surviving this one means I have a pretty good chance of surviving the next one and so on.

Since I am tired because I haven't gotten much sleep (I had my church history final this morning...3 hours long, and then a paper for my religious pluralism class due this afternoon) I'm going to go to bed early tonight and get cracking early tomorrow on my prepping for OT. Prayers, as always during exam time, are coveted as are encouragements, however brief they may be. It's always good to be reminded of why I'm doing this.

Blessings on you all!


Unknown said...

Way to go!!! :D

Jules said...

I'm so very glad you made it! And I am missing you a very great deal tonight. I really want to go lean on your wall and talk until its way to late, then say we should go to bed, and keep talking. Maybe we should talk tomorrow... well today your time.

anyway.... YAHOO!!!!

Jules said...


SillyMissErica said...

Sweet. Cool beans.

The opposite of what my kids would call "messed!"

molls said...

how did the OT one go? And I'm glad your semester's over now and I hope you can have a few relaxing days before going back into the daily grind.
And thanks for always being encouraging to me :D