Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dear Monster

Dear Monster-

Thanks for writing and publishing the article, "Succeeding at Work with Autism." It's great to see someone recognizes the contributions people with autism have to make to the work force. It also serves to help those in management and human resources be more aware, understanding, and accommodating.

However, it would be appreciated if you would use "person first" language when addressing issues related particularly to disability. I understand that the person you interviewed used the term "autistics" but that is a personal decision about what she is comfortable using. In cases where you are talking about the issues related to people with autism, using that phrase rather than "autistics" would be greatly appreciated, as well as more respectful of those who have autism and disabilities in general. Person first language simply encourages us to think of people with disabilities as people first, and to think of their disability as secondary to them as a person.

Megan Acedo

Article can be found here.

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