Dear friends and family,
This is just a quick note as it is getting late here in the Garden State, but I have some great news to share: I have been "recommended for admission" to the second part of my dual-degree program, the Master of Social Work at Rutgers University!!! I am so excited and just want to say thank you to all of you for your prayers! It is so wonderful to see this coming to fruition after five years of dreaming, planning, and working! I could not be doing it without you, my friends and family, and your support!
There are lots of loose ends to be tied up: figuring out state residency requirements so I can save money on tuition, setting up field ed that will get me dual credit (I've already chosen the place and interviewed), and most importantly, getting "in" via Princeton Seminary's side of the program. Allow me to explain: this program has historically had two or three students each year. This year there were seven! The program, however, is capped at four due to finances that Princeton contributes to Rutgers during your "dual" year. With the current economy I can't imagine Princeton being able to find the extra money, besides it would set a precedent they would need to follow later on. So, Princeton has a screening process to help determine placements for the program; please pray that my persistence and familiarity with the registrar here at Princeton will help and my passion and desire for this program would show. I am not sure yet when this screening process will take place, but should be it the next couple of weeks.
One other thing that I would appreciate prayer on is housing for next year: I entered the apartment lottery and did not get an apartment which is a little problematic because I will be commuting between two schools 35 minutes apart and doing field ed for several hours a week. Due to these time constraints I won't be around campus to use the cafeteria during normal meal hours (which are limited) and so living in the dorms and being on the meal plan will be a large waste of money. I will be speaking with the director of housing in the next few days, so please pray that he would have compassion and will be able to see my financial situation as it is.
Thank you all again for all your support and encouragement! I look forward to hearing from you!
Many, many blessings,