It seems so unreal to be coming this close to the end of the semester. To be honest, with all the traveling I've been doing, it feels difficult to believe there even was a spring semester. However, the midterm grades, projects, and upcoming finals are just enough to jerk me back to reality. Guatemala was a rush, and amazing, even more wonderful and heart-touching and awe-inspiring than I expected, and the people I love there are just as incredibly faithful as they were three and a half years ago. Of course, since being there for a month was too short, I knew going back for just one weekend was going to be torture. But it was just as much, and more, worth it than all the torture it inflicted on me. =)
So, back to reality I came...reality introduced itself to me in the form of 35 degree weather on the train platform in Princeton after leaving beautiful 80 degree weather in Guatemala. And then it reintroduced itself to me in the form of schoolwork yet to be done, finals yet to be studied for (or taken) and the impossible amount of fun things I would like to do before the end of the year. Difficult, yes? I thought so too. Then I realized I still needed to get myself a job for the summer!
This is where I am now. Have you seen those Allstate commercials lately where there are people saying where they are and standing on a large red dot? That's how I feel right now. Tonight, the session of Carpinteria Community Church will meet and decide on whether they would like to hire an intern to take over the youth director position for the summer: me. I'm hoping so, and praying so. I love Carp Community, I love living there, and would relish the opportunity (and challenge) of this ministry and job. So, if you're getting this today...and really, whenever you get this...if you could send up a little prayer that my big red dot would move to Carp Community Church for the summer, I would really appreciate it. And if that isn't God's will, that God would show his will...and soon!
"The Lord your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
-Zephaniah 3:17
1 comment:
I like that verse! There's a song we sing in church up here called Mighty to Save and now I know where it comes from. I love that!
Here's the song:
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save.
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
So yeah - for the guy who conquered death, securing your future should be cake :D
have you found out about the internship yet?
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