Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My solo in chapel...

"Like A Child"

Like a child that is quieted is my soul,
Like a child that is quieted is my soul.

Out of the depths I cry to thee,
Lord you hear my plea,
And like a child that is quieted is my soul.

Like a child I am O so restless.
Like a child I cannot be still
and know that you are ruler of us all,
And you are there when I call,
Just like a child that is quieted is my soul.

And in your presence I can see
Christ in people around me,
And like a child that is quieted is my soul.

Like a child I long to trust you completely.
Like a child I cannot be still
and know that you are ruler of us all,
And you are there when I call,
Just like a child that is quieted is my soul.

-Words and music by Loretta Ellenberger

Monday, October 1, 2007


Current Princeton Temp: 54

I am overwhelmed. There is much to do, and little time to do it. Between reading and writing, making new connections and redeveloping old ones, and readjusting to "community life" there has been little time for what I like to call "decompression". I need it to function. It usually involves what I affectionately call "verbal vomit," wherein I find someone who will listen and proceed to dump everything out in one long, incoherent string of babble. Were I to sit down and write it all out, it might be akin to stream-of-consciousness writing. Tonight I hit a breaking point and had a good conversation with Daniel about it. I feel a little better, but I am still overwhelmed. But I suppose that will be something that has to change little by little.

In the midst of all the reading, burying my nose in books, and previously warm weather of last week, fall unexpectedly arrived today. It was as though the weather realized it was October 1, and in so doing, decided to change from warm (downright hot on Saturday during apple-picking) to brisk and cool this afternoon. I actually had to wear a jacket to walk downtown! I chose my red Italian leather one. Anyway, I am excited about fall. The leaves around here are just barely starting to turn shades of purple and red and yellow...but I know the most vibrant colors are yet to come. Oh, how I cannot wait!

One last tidbit of information before I sign off for the night...on Wednesday morning, I will have the incredible opportunity to sing a solo (!) with the Chapel Choir in chapel. It's wonderful, and amazing...a beautiful musical line and profound lyrics, which I will post later. I am nervous. I want to memorize it so I can get completely into it, but am terrified to be without the safety of my music folder. Prayers for confidence in God and the extra time I need to memorize it would be appreciated.

I miss Santa Barbara, and my friends, and family I feel I have there. I don't think I've said that enough to those of you who I am desperately missing these days. Know that even in the midst of busyness, you are in my heart.